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What is ONEP?

The Observatory of Childbirth and Ageing in Portugal – 1st Edition is a project created and developed by PremiValor Consulting. The project that aims to characterize, understand and evaluate tendencies in childbirth and ageing. In addition, the Observatory will also seek to increase social awareness about childbirth and ageing topics and develop initiatives that recognise companies that have policies and programs that promote childbirth and active and healthy ageing.

The Observatory of Childbirth and Ageing in Portugal is based on a countrywide population survey. It will enable the acquisition of a comprehensive understanding of these two themes in the different regions of the country. The study is intended to answer the following key questions, amongst others:

  • What are the challenges that the Portuguese society faces currently, particularly those for families, considering the recent demographic evolution in Portugal?

  • What are the main differences, in terms of needs and expectations amongst the elder population?

  • Which are the trends and opportunities for an active ageing in Portugal?

  • What are the needs and major trends of elderly care structures for the older population, considering the different age groups above 65 years old?

  • What are the determinant factors for the Portuguese couples decision of having one or more children?

  • What encouragement measures (whether public or private) can be adopted in order to promote childbirth?

  • What are the factors that contribute the most to the decrease of the fertility and birth rates on the latest years?

The main outputs of the Observatory of Childbirth and Ageing in Portugal – 1st Edition are as follows:

1. Book publication

The results of the Observatory of Childbirth and Ageing in Portugal – 1st Edition will be published on a publication format together with the scientific contributions and prospective vision of its sponsoring partners on the topics of childbirth and ageing.

2. Conference

The results of the study of the Observatory of Childbirth and Ageing in Portugal will also be presented at the conference that will take place in Lisbon.

The goals of the Conference are:

  • To provide a privileged debate forum for organizations, researchers, companies and general public concerned with ageing and childbirth;

  • To increase the public awareness of the several childbirth issues, as well as the matters related to the quality of life of the elderly in Portugal;

  • To contribute to broaden new strategies for childbirth encouragement programs;

  • To promote the networking between the different intervenient.

3. Awards

With the purpose of starting developing initiatives that promote active ageing and family-friendly policies on organizations, the Observatory of Childbirth and Ageing in Portugal – 1st Edition will create two awards:

The Best Practices Maternity Awards – an award to distinguish organizations that demonstrate having best practices regarding work-life balance, family-friendly and childbirth promoting policies

The Best Practices Active Ageing Awards – an award to distinguish companies that demonstrate having best practices related to senior workers’ participation and active ageing support policies.

4. Meeting of Generations painting

The picture of two hands that symbolizes the Observatory depicts two generations, the left hand being a child’s hand and the right an adult’s hand. The child’s hand has thinner and smaller lines which denote the short life time experience. Contrariwise the adult’s hand has more links and thicker lines which represent the relationships of a life and a greater experience. The lines surrounding the hands symbolize the connections and the relationships established during life and the people that in some way touched one’s life. The main objective of this work is to create a participatory painting.


The painting is divided into different parts and each one is will be painted by the Observatory’s partners and citizens who took part in the project. In this way, each participant will have the

opportunity to express their art by painting the various pre-defined areas of the picture.


This painting will be painted in artboards that will be exhibited in art galleries from project partners and in a wall in one of the main Lisbon streets in order to perpetuate the project and bring awareness to general public.

Property and Edition

PremiValor Consulting

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PremiValor Consulting

Avenida 5 de Outubro n.º75 7º floor

1050-049 Lisbon | PORTUGAL

+351 21 782 06 18 | +351 91 324 77 78

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